
Showing posts from March, 2019

life on mars

·        To what extent can  S1 episode 1  of  Life on Mars be seen as a  postmodernist  text ?  ·        Which  postmodernist techniques  and attitudes does it use , refer to or follow in its narrative , mise-en-scene, performance, visual/audio codes etc. ? ·        Does it also use  more traditional  established techniques to connect with its audience , such as follow established genre conventions, create original characters, follow a linear narrative etc. ? ·       Hyperreality world= postmodern/ who’s reality? ·       References to another era adds to the idea of postmodernism ·        MISE EN SCENE refrences 70s   ·       Cars ·       Costume= long leather jacket ·       Smokey office Intertextuality = David Bowie Life on Mars This was a song that was out in the 70s and adds to the idea of hyperreality of the protagonist, references the media texts he has seen which refers to this era  The  hyperreality that is being shown is shot in dark