How our advertising campaign looks to inform,persuade and sell.

How our advertising campaign looks to inform,persuade and sell.

This essay will discuss how our advertising campaign will inform ,persuade and sell to our target audience of middle class teenagers from all ethnicities.

Our campaign looks to inform by including facts, we want to do this to shock our audience by the fact the amount of girls who have little confidence due to trying to be what they see online,tv and in magazines. The main fact that we will use will be “having clear and healthy skin was important to 81% of young girls. We believe this fact goes well with our campaign as it shows that a large amount of girls are affected by this problem and it shows how important it is to them. When we use this fact in our campaign we intend to use emotive language such as “can you believe that…”, “sadly..”, we believe this will not only sell the product but might help to solve the widespread problem in society. Furthermore are campaign will consist of facts linked to product itself ,for example it is dermatologically approved ,this will help sell our product as it will inform them that the product is healthy for their skin.

We will persuade our audience with our images, we will use celebrity endorsement to engage teens, we decided to use Selena Gomez because she has a good reputation and is very popular within the young teenagers. We believe due to her good reputation it will give our product one too, additionally Selena Gomez is known for having a natural appearance therefore she is a good celebrity to represent our campaign as it promotes natural skin. She has a serious star persona which will help in our campaign because she can cooperate this persona into it.

The campaign will sell by the images we will use.Our images will have bright lighting and use close-ups to truly reveal her skin after she used the product. We will photoshop our images with a layered effect, we will use two images of her one with makeup and one without , the photo with make up will show her as unhappy to convey a message that she is not happy because she is hiding her imperfections under makeup and she has not got naturally flawless skin because she hasn't used the product yet. Then the image without the lighting will be brighter, her body language will be more relaxed, and she will have a happy facial expression. This will connote to her being more because she has naturally clear skin and it makes her feel good because it means alot to her.

In conclusion our campaign ticks all the boxes to persuade ,sell and inform which links directly to the purpose of our campaign.


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