The Daily Mirror analysis

Analyse the following covers in terms of how the technical codes ( main image, headline, pull quote etc.) persuade the audience to buy the newspaper and how the audience is being persuaded to respond to the main news story.Consider issues of iconography, binary oppositions and semiotics.

The Daily Mirror is a traditionally left-wing paper owned by Reach and The Trinity group. The tabloid newspaper published a cover about the US election of Donald Trump on the 10th November 2016 which used many technical codes to sell its product as well as their news agenda. Furthermore, a range of theories such as Curran and Seaton power theory explain how The Daily Mirror maintain their position as a successful paper.

The main image uses the iconography of The Statue of liberty and the idea of patriotism but creates a juxtaposition as the message conveys that it was idiotic to elect trump. The theory of semiotics by Barthes could be applied as the statue is a sign and through signification, the audience closely links this to America very quickly. Nevertheless, the statue is shown with a black and white effect implying that Trump being elected will lead to a darker time to come for the globe, this is further emphasised by the black smoke which foreshadows the wars that Trump will start. The use of iconography highlights the newspaper left-wing political bias that heavily disagrees with Trump's ideas and morals. To add to this the fact that the smoke is black symbolises death and danger.  This attracts an audience and sells the product as it creates a moral panic and the audience will by into the product to inform themselves on what oughts to happen.

The strapline “Its president Trump…”, this is positioned above the main image because of this the elipcies directly link the two together and adds further emphasis on the idea of foreshadowing life with Trump as the American president. Additionally, the colour of the text is red which symbolises blood and danger, also the font is very formal highlighting the seriousness of the issue of Trump in power.

Moreover, the headline “what have they done?”  can be applied to the Structuralism by Levi Strauss this is because the use of the pronoun “they” creates a binary opposition of us and them , this implies that the blame is on the American voters and highlights the global impact they believe it will have. Yet again this demonstrates their political bias of The Daily Mirror as this is just one of many negative connotations of Trump's election as US president. This persuades the audience to buys the paper by inflicting fear into them and making them feel like they need to know what will happen.

This can apply to Curran and Seaton's theory of power: The Trinity group have maintained their global position despite the falling in sales, their diverse patterns of ownership allow them to create a wide variety of media products. This persuades the audience to buy the newspaper as they are able to have an influence on their audience due to their status and power within the industry as they are seen as reliable.


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