
Showing posts from September, 2017

Cross-platform advertising

What is cross-platform advertising In this essay I will be discussing cross-platform advertising and why it used.  Due to technology we are able to multi-screen therefore TV is no longer has full attention from their audiences this is why mobile advertisement is taking place. The word platform refers to where we are seeing the advert e.g. apps or radio, when it is on more than one it is know as cross platform advertising  Cross- platform  advertising is the distribution of adverts on more than one media  platform, for  example   a  advert can be shown on social  media,   TV, radio  and posters at the same time . This allows the product to have a greater opportunity  to  achieve  its purpose (sold)  as it is reaching a larger audience . Due to no longer  being  able to reach all audiences on  TV , cross  platform advertising allows advertisers  to reach a specific audience.   Furthermore, advertising companies always aim their products at a specific audience  , therefore usin

Dear Future Husband analysis

Dear Future Husband music video analysis This essay will discuss Meghan Trainor’s video ‘Dear Future Husband’ and the features that the video has.The music video was released march 2015 however it was set in 1950’s. The video represents her as a 1950’s housewife ,Meghan Trainor has been shown in the particular rooms which are stereotypically where women belong ,these are rooms such as:the bedroom,kitchen and the floor(cleaning) ,although she rejects these traditions,for example a mid shot is used to show her cooking, but then she burns the food ,which connotes to her not being good at it therefore she won't do it. In addition this is also shown in another mid-shot to show her cleaning the floor however she doesn't seem to be doing much,also the fact she is wearing high heels emphasizes that she is not cleaning and that she rejects the stereotype. This is later on confirmed when she is seen playing around on the soapy floor, this represented her as sexual at times beca
The process of making the 60 second film. During the process of making my 60 second film,I thought of the idea to show my daily life ,some of elements in the filmed represented me ,for example going to the cinema and seeing a horror film, as it was my favourite movie genre,showing the area I live in and that I have a cat. Furthermore during the making of my 60 second film I attempted to use different camera movements and shots, although at times the camera movements were unsteady because I wanted the film to be from my perspective, which was difficult to do in crowded places. Besides this ,I managed to get the film to 60 seconds although the cinematography needed to be improved.The hardest part was to edit the film together without making it look like the clips had a gap between them too much ,for example the clips being filmed separately and the fact it could only be 60 seconds it sometimes made it look like there was gaps in the story line. In addition, in my 60 second no genre t

Representation of women in music videos.

In this modern day era of music videos women are frequently presented as sex objects as they are wearing provocative clothing or erotic dancing is shown. This is also shown by the clothes they are wearing .An example of a music video that shows this is 'He like that' Fifth Harmony as they were wearing leotards and there dancing was sexualised . however they are represented as what would be considered an ideal body type by the media ,this puts the message across that this is how we should look.The media uses the stereotype of the way you dress determines how sexually available you are. The reason this is done is to attract a male target audience, as stereotypically men like to see women being sexy ,which could be classified as entertaining as part of the Uses and Gratification Theory. The “male gaze” theory suggests that women are represented as passive objects of male desire, therefore when women appear on music videos they are sometimes portrayed as sexual objects.Due to i