The process of making the 60 second film.

During the process of making my 60 second film,I thought of the idea to show my daily life ,some of elements in the filmed represented me ,for example going to the cinema and seeing a horror film, as it was my favourite movie genre,showing the area I live in and that I have a cat. Furthermore during the making of my 60 second film I attempted to use different camera movements and shots, although at times the camera movements were unsteady because I wanted the film to be from my perspective, which was difficult to do in crowded places. Besides this ,I managed to get the film to 60 seconds although the cinematography needed to be improved.The hardest part was to edit the film together without making it look like the clips had a gap between them too much ,for example the clips being filmed separately and the fact it could only be 60 seconds it sometimes made it look like there was gaps in the story line. In addition, in my 60 second no genre tends to fit it  as it is more like a vlog then anything. Nevertheless it has a structure that foreshadows the structure of a day e.g morning to night.


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