Cross-platform advertising

What is cross-platform advertising

In this essay I will be discussing cross-platform advertising and why it used. Due to technology we are able to multi-screen therefore TV is no longer has full attention from their audiences this is why mobile advertisement is taking place.The word platform refers to where we are seeing the advert e.g. apps or radio, when it is on more than one it is know as cross platform advertising 

Cross-platform advertising is the distribution of adverts on more than one media platform, for example a advert can be shown on social media, TV, radio and posters at the same time. This allows the product to have a greater opportunity to achieve its purpose (sold) as it is reaching a larger audience.Due to no longer being able to reach all audiences on TV,cross platform advertising allows advertisers to reach a specific audience. Furthermore, advertising companies always aim their products at a specific audience ,therefore using cross-platform advertising they can target consumerswhenever and wherever, for example if the product was targeted at teenagers they could advertise it on social media platforms and TV as it is more likely for that age group to see it. Additionally advertising companies do not have to rely on their audiences to be at home to see the advertisement. Theytarget audiences who would react favourable to the productproviding the ad companies have positive results; it also allows them to have a broader access to audiences. The average media consumption is 15.5 hours a day, this statistic was much lower before technology developed further, this shows us how successful cross-platform advertising is, as we can see it allows advertisers to get there adverts more recognition because they are shown on more than one platform.

Overall cross-platform advertising is a successful method as it is in line with the modern society. It keeps up with the new technology and how society has change i.e. mainly seeing advertisements on TV and radio and how now it can advertise on apps.


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