advertisement research


  1.  Im loving it
  2. just do it
  3. im login it
  4. have it your way
  5. eat fresh 

2) Save the children uses shock tactics to surprise there viewers about lives of children ,they do it to gain sympathy and support from there viewers. They are shocking because they show children who are suffering from abuse, when viewers see this especially involving children it encourages them to want to tale action.
3)unicef's advertisement follows Maslow's hierarchy of needs as it highlights food sand water as the most important need ,we see this in the main image where the children are holding a cup of water .Furthermore the advertisement talks about having walk shelter which links to the next element that is important in Maslow's hierarchy ,it also shows lo"love needs" ,this is shown in the main image where the child is with his mother. although the advertisement does not show esteem needs or self actualisation because the purpose of the advert is to show that clean water for everyone needs to be accomplished and that the children need to have a brighter future.


  1. all girls like shopping - very
  2. all women are are housewives -asdas christmas advert
  3. men do not do domestic work -Asda

5) shows intertextuality by uses the character of Yoda from Star Wars

  1. 6) Moneysupermarket 
  2. Apple music 
  3. AA 
  4. muller rice 


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