advertising campaign photo analysis.

These images for our campaign Selena Gomez, we came up with the idea of how she felt wearing make and how she felt when she was confident with her skin. We used the opacity tool to put two images together , this allowed us to show a contrast in her emotions as she was happier without make up and with how the product changed her skin. Additionally the images are bright to connote to freshness and happiness, also it links to our product as it promotes healthy fresh skin that will make you confident and happy. The body language of the model while she is wearing make-up is tense this is to highlight the fact that she doesn’t feel comfortable because she’s hiding her imperfections underneath her makeup. On the other hand, the image that she doesn’t have make up on presents her  as happy and care free, this is to portray an idea that she is happier due to the product giving her confidence in her own skin.

The second images uses similar techniques she is more relaxed to show she is confident with her skin and it contrasts with how she looks it make up. This photo for our campaign uses a cover line that says "happier in your own skin" to address the purpose as the campaign promotes the idea for teens to become happier because their skin is clear and be confident.

Another image shows a contrast with a filter and no filter this is also backed up with a caption that says “no filter, no problem”. With theses images we wanted to give out a message that you can get flawless skin and be confident without a filter. Underneath this we used are slogan for our advertising campaign which is “this is natural beauty” the font used is bold and large as it is our main message. We then used a statistic to inform our audience on how important it is to teens to have clear skin. This font is clear and bold because we wanted to shock our audience to show how many young girls have little confidence.

This image contrast light and dark ,in our campaign this connotes to the teen being brighter and confident compared to the past when she did not use her product. It also highlights how good her skin looks as it cause a contrasts with the darkness. This will sell the product as it shows it works and how good she feels up against her past.

Our logo shows the name of our campaign which is love beauty as we promote confidence in natural beauty. It also shows are slogan we wanted this to be the slogan because we wanted to promote natural beauty and having perfect skin without make up.We used light blues and greens to link to our natural themes,part of our logo shows a heart and a leaf to mirror what our campaign is called.


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