How do artist explore their star persona?

How does a musical artist explore their star persona in their music videos? 

Katy Perry

 Roar                                                         Swish swish

  • Katy Perrys music videos have changed recently this is because her star persona has changed. Before she highlighted the fact she was feminine ,however now her star persona represents her as a quirky, unique person. 
  • In Roar and Swish Swish the use of mid shots is used a number of times ,for similar reasons. Roar uses it so we get a taste of the nature themed scene  and see Katy Perry at the same time. Swish Swish uses it so the audience knows the that it is set in a basketball game.
  • In Roar Katy Perry throws away her shoe ,which symbolises her throwing away her femininity and becoming the queen of the jungle.
  • Additionally, Katy is wearing revealing clothing, this represents her as a sex object,this could  make her appealing to men ,although she is not overly objectified as she is represented as powerful. It is similar to Swish Swish as she is also presented sexually but her less feminine persona distorts this idea.
  • Swish Swish uses a high/birds eye view shot to contrasts the basketball court size with her which represents her as bad at sports and follows stereotypes of females.
  • She also mocks herself to make her video humorous and rememberable, Roar does not so this.
  • In Roar close ups to show she has confidence ,but also used to show she has very natural make up on to match the scenery, Swish Swish does the same thing but to show she has dramatic make up to follow stereotype of females and sports.
  • Towards the end in Swish Swish she is represented as power just like Roar.
  • Tracking shots are used in both to show her importance.


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