
Showing posts from January, 2018

hypodermic theory and stereotypes-Faye

This newspaper represents teenagers as violent, they use the stereotypes such as children are antisocial. In this case the hypodermic theory uses this stereotype to shape older adults opinion on the younger generation. They have done this by showing a very extreme picture showing a huge fire ,as it connotes to fear, danger and violence. The paper has implied that this is all down to young people and fails to mention the fact that adults were also involved in the riots, this is mainly emphasised by the headline "rioters age 7". The sun has used a very young age here to shock readers in order for them to buy the paper, they also use the stereotype that the younger generation are antisocial to evolved there story around so that when the audience looks at it it’s recognised. This is further emphasized using the strap line that states “kids took cops into a 100 million pound rampage, this statement is striking due to the large amount of money stated , it’s done deliber

video games

video games history and industry. modern industry- An industry that includes technology. large profits- an industry or thing that makes a large amount of money. audience changes- audiences standards are higher due to the improvement in technology. technology changes- advancing technology allows a wider variety in games. narrative structure- the story the game tells. franchise - the same company making different versions of games. marketing and distribution- Distribution  is the process of making a product or service available for the consumer or business user. regulation- pegi  audience responses- the audiences opinion  on the game leading to different actions. key terms audiences appeal-how the product interests its audience. genres- CRPG,FPS,RPG,platform, augmented reality - a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. representation marketing- the action or busi

Analyse of Daily Mirror

Analyse of Daily Mirror The Daily mirror is a tabloid newspaper ,that is owned by trinity mirror. It tends to take a left-wing approach to stories. This particular front cover focuses on Trumps election ,the paper strongly shows a left wing perception of this advent as it portrays Trumps election very negatively, this is probably because Trumps views are extremely right winged. At the same time the tabloid used humour to portray the advent, they decided to use the iconic statue of liberty which a large population of American's value and are proud of ,to show imply that it is a disaster/ embarrassment that Trump has been elected. Additionally the colour connotations shown on the main image are completely negative, the colours themselves suggestion danger, depression and death , The Daily Mirror are implying this is what Trump is going to cause. This is made even more explicit due to the fact that there is thick black smoke suggesting death and the fact that the city is in bla

Analysis of a newspaper front cover compared to the times// research on newspapers+key words

Analysis of a newspaper front cover. This is an analysis on The Suns newspaper front cover, it will analyse the technical codes used . The masthead is "The Sun" tells us this is a right winged, tabloid  newspaper and will be in favour of the royal family, so we would expect language that gives off a positive connotation.  The first thing that catches our attention is the main image as it takes up the majority of the page, the image has positive connotations as it shows a happy royal couple. .The strapline tells us it is a "world exclusive"  this is the selling point for newspaper as the photo is a break through on Prince Harrys love life. The headline portrays a very possessive message when it uses "his Meg", this may link to the right winged conservative view and links to traditional values of the man owning his wife. The Sun play with words to imply that she is in Harry's possession , additionally, the fact it refers to her as Meg