Analyse of Daily Mirror

Analyse of Daily Mirror

The Daily mirror is a tabloid newspaper ,that is owned by trinity mirror. It tends to take a left-wing approach to stories.

This particular front cover focuses on Trumps election ,the paper strongly shows a left wing perception of this advent as it portrays Trumps election very negatively, this is probably because Trumps views are extremely right winged. At the same time the tabloid used humour to portray the advent, they decided to use the iconic statue of liberty which a large population of American's value and are proud of ,to show imply that it is a disaster/ embarrassment that Trump has been elected. Additionally the colour connotations shown on the main image are completely negative, the colours themselves suggestion danger, depression and death , The Daily Mirror are implying this is what Trump is going to cause. This is made even more explicit due to the fact that there is thick black smoke suggesting death and the fact that the city is in black and white gives the idea that the country is in a national depression after Trumps election.

The headline uses a rhetorical question to engage their readers to reflect on his election. Nevertheless the line has negative connotations as it implies an act of disaster has occurred which is not fixable. The subheading "its president trump..." suggest that the Daily Mirror are revealing this to their audience, the fact that they used ... could signify that the election of trump could lead to more negative stories about him , it could also show that Trumps election will lead to the scenario of the photo bellow. In addition the strapline uses directed address ,so the audience does not feel like this story is out of their proximity, it also signals the papers political bias as it shows that they think Trump will be a worldwide problem. This could link to why the stories threshold is large as Trinity Mirror believes trump will be a major problem.

In conclusion. the Daily Mirror have portrayed their political bias through many codes and conventions in this paper.


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