advertising campaign photo analysis.

Another image shows a contrast with a filter and no filter this is also backed up with a caption that says “no filter, no problem”. With theses images we wanted to give out a message that you can get flawless skin and be confident without a filter. Underneath this we used are slogan for our advertising campaign which is “this is natural beauty” the font used is bold and large as it is our main message. We then used a statistic to inform our audience on how important it is to teens to have clear skin. This font is clear and bold because we wanted to shock our audience to show how many young girls have little confidence.
This image contrast light and dark ,in our campaign this connotes to the teen being brighter and confident compared to the past when she did not use her product. It also highlights how good her skin looks as it cause a contrasts with the darkness. This will sell the product as it shows it works and how good she feels up against her past.

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