theories and audience notes


Barthes theory is called Semiotics ,his theory includes the concept of signs which in this case means the from and signification which is the meaning attached for example if you had a rose in an advert the rose itself is the from and the rose' signification is love. 

Representation theory by Hall discusses signs and codes , the theory talks about how stereotypes creates meanings and how the stereotypes are created on inequalities which reproduce and ideology. For example if a media text used the stereotype that all working class are violent it may reproduce this ideology to people who may not live in an area with many working class people.

The reception theory also by Hall talks about how the producers encode elements into media text which then the audience decodes it.The audience can decode it in different ways: dominant, negotiated ,oppositional , position

The identity theory by Gauntlett states that our identity is constructed by tools from the media ,he describes it as “pick and mix”.

Gerbner cultivation theory states the repetition of representation changes the audience's perception. For example if we continuously see the same repetition on a group we don't know much about the group we will believe this perception.


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