Assassin's Creed liberation
Assassin's Creed liberation follows the genre of RPG, we
establish this through the female ,assassin and salve avatars. The game was set
in 19700 in New Orland, it tends to follow the storyline of slaves taking over
the city, you explore this in missions and side missions. Additionally, you can
play online with other players.
The franchise is owned by Ubisoft, this version of the game
in particular is an offshoot, at the same time this version was released on
Vita a mainstream Assassins creed was released. Assassin Creed Liberation was
only distributed on Vita but later on was out on PS3. When the game was
marketed the main focus was the narrative which was dominated by a female character
the format was oddly shown in the trailer which shows it was a main selling
point, all of these elements allowed the trailer to mirror a film trailer. The
spinoff sold 600,000 copies out of 4.5 million people who own the device, this
seems successful until you consider vita is a consul where not many games come
out on the device, this in some ways makes the game seem unsuccessful.
As said before the protagonist in the game is mainly a female
this could give a very positive representation as she is seen as strong and independent
,in some ways this makes the game very unique , nevertheless, there is some
issues with the representation as she is known as the weak fighter and flirting
with ben to get her way. This part of the representation tends to follow
negative stereotypes based around women especially when you compare it up to
the assassin’s charter who is presented as strong and masculine.
Assassins Creed Liberation links to Banduvas theory about how
audiences respond to violence in the media, in an experiment using a bobo doll
he tested children’s reactions to violence against the doll to see if this made
them violent too. He found that what we consume reflects on our behavior in
real life, this could mean that the game might encourage violence and aggressive
behavior, which it was criticized.
Jenkins theory about Fandom explores how fans consume media
texts differently; they tend to criticize more harshly about the particular
product because they have high expectations. This may explain why the game
makers of Assassins creed highlighted the improvements made to the game on the
trailers for when it was being released on PS3. For example, they made it very
clear that the game was in HD now which was a large problem found by the fan
base while it was out on Vita.
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