film advertising group work.
- Addresses the audience
- clue to storyline
- gives away genre
- creates a fearful theme
- Teaser poster
- prop used in film
- red links to danger
- shows tagline, title, director and producers
- director&producers are main selling point

Analysis of the film advertising campaign
Our film posters follow technical codes and conventions of a horror film due to the colour scheme for
example the first poster uses red that connotes to blood this makes it obvious that it is a horror film, furthermore the font of the title of the film links to blood dripping therefore gives off horror connotations, this is the same for the main image in the poster as it looks as if its written In blood, these codes and conventions links to the genre of horror. For the second poster the colour blue signifies cold and seriousness ,there is also shaders of balck used which suggests death. the main image itself conveys a sense of sinister themes, due to the swing swinging by itself. Additionally, the font of the title gives of serious vibes, also it links to school/college ,this is a key setting in the trailer. Our posters gives the audience the knowledge to understand that it is a horror film.
Our trailer is quickly associated with the genre of horror as in the start the audience finds out it's from the same producers as the conjuring. to add to this our trailer uses dark and red lighting which signifies horror. The sound used is very sinister, it allows us to emphasis how scary it is to fulfil the audiences needs, as people watch horrors to be scared, this will help draw the audience to the film. Furthermore, the trailer uses jump scares which is another convention for a horror film ,yet again this helps to draw attention to the fact that it is a horror and fulfils needs.Our trailer is a teaser trailer which gives the audience little information but leaves them curious to what happens and what the film is about, this will draw them in to watch the in order for them to find out what happens. The shots in the trailer leave the audiences guessing about the appearance of the murder or who he is narratively, in a low angled shot the audience is left curious to which person is the killer as we see two people walking past. The close-up of the book links to the fact it is set in school and that it is effecting teenagers like those watching.
As the target audience for our film is 15-19 year old we used social media for our advertising campaign, we used the hashtag will you be next to allow the audience to engage with each other about their thoughts on what is going to happen and their opinion the trailer, this also will spread the trailer around different platforms of social media such as Facebook and Instagram which will engage more of a audience.This will pacifically target our audience as they are the main age group to use social media. Despite the fact our target audience is 15-19 an older target audience might be attracted to
the film as an older population is represented through teachers,as adults see someone of there age they may watch as they can connect with them. In the trailer little to non representation of age groups is shown as we wanted the action to be presented through sound effects rather then visual codes.
To market our film we also made an app, the app is a puzzle game where you solve puzzles to escape from the college, the game follows the story line of the film but does not give any details away, this is a good way to market our film as if people play the game it may interest them to watch the film. Additionally, this platform that markets our film is suitable to our target audience as it a key platform they use.
⤶link to trailer:
marketing for the film
I like how you have presented your work, the story board shows how you thought about your trailer which is good. I also like how you have done multiple marketing ideas, such as Instagram, which is well known for our current youth, your target audience.
ReplyDeleteI thought your media project was done to a high standard. You have been effective in establishing that 'The Final Bell' belongs to the horror genre, and your detail into the age rating alongside useful miscellaneous has demonstrated commitment. However, I feel that the grammar and punctuation used in your evaluation is poor, with lowercase sentence starters, incorrect placement of comma's and typos being displayed frequently. Be sure to correct this, otherwise the work portrayed is work that you should be proud of.
ReplyDeleteReally good poster and good trailer. The trailer was created it a very professional standard. Sorry but i didn't have all the time to look at the writing but i read some of it and good use of comma's and good spelling. You should be proud of your work .
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