
 Analyse the   music video for Riptide by Vance Joy  focusing on the following elements. Refer to contextual information and technical codes to support your points.

Indie music is produced independently from commercial record labels, the term is used to describe indie rock and indie pop, it also may include music that is not independently produced. Vance Joy is an example of an indie artist as well as Arctic Monkeys. Riptides music video fits into the codes and conventions of the genre by the use of montage.

As mentioned above Riptide uses a fragmented montage based on the lyrics of the song that uses iconography. Music videos generally use interpretations of lyrics, however, in this case, it seems to be over the top and ironic this may link to its surrealist approach. nevertheless, the video clearly conveys may different message through its montage , Eisenstein's concepts of intellectual editing shows how this works. the theory suggests that where new ideas emerge from the collisions of images and generate meanings. additionally, the video uses intertextuality to references horror films for example, following the lyric of "taken into the dark side" a mid shot of a female being dragged into the dark, this is a highly conventional action taken from horror films to help explore violence against women even though this is not explicit. The representation of women in the music video debatable whether its good or bad, the feminist theory by Hooks would argue that despite the video ironically exploring the representation of women as objects can still feed the oppression of women in society. however, this can be argued against as the video tends to attempt to take a sympathetic perspective of violence against women.

The video uses many technical codes to convey meanings for instants, a close up of dollars is used accompanied by the lyric " all my friends are turning green". This signification suggests wealth and success (Barthes- Semiotics).


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