
Showing posts from October, 2017


How does 2 newspapers mediate a recent news advent?  The Daily Star focuses on the work of the police force and ambulance teams, they focuses on the public sector which may show that their political bias is in favour of the public sectors like the NHS, this could show their left wing views. Additionally it doesn't mention the ethnicity of the attacker of, unlike The Sun; this could imply that they believed highlighting the work of the police and ambulance services was more important to them and that the ethnicity of the attacker isn’t important because anyone of any ethnicity can be a terrorist, this links to the fact that The Daily star has a left wing type of view. On the front cover of the daily star the main image is showing these workers helping injured victims, it also has the headline as “HEROS”, this emphasises, there opinion. Meanwhile, The Sun talks about a” Jihadi killer”, considering jihadi means a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam, gives i

half term group work

skin care advertising campaign The product that i wish to advertise is a skin product that cleans and tones uneven skin, the simple product has multi-vitamins to help your skin look even and fresh, in addition the product is dermatologically tested and proven ,therefore it won't damage your skin.Simple is the leading brand for sensitive skin in the UK and is part of the consumer goods company Unilever .Unilever owns more than 400 brands worldwide including Lynx, Radox, Vaseline, Persil PG Tips and Marmite.  Over 50 years Simple’s goal has been to formulate skin care products that are suitable to all skin types, this the company started in the 1960’s and was the first skin care brand to be created. Vaseline has similar advertising ideas as it tends to point out how there products will heal skin and that they are dermatologically tested and proven. We wish to target middle class, teenage girls of any race ,as we believe that this is an age group that feels very self con

stereotypes in age.


advertisement research

1)  Im loving it just do it im login it have it your way eat fresh  2) Save the children uses shock tactics to surprise there viewers about lives of children ,they do it to gain sympathy and support from there viewers. They are shocking because they show children who are suffering from abuse, when viewers see this especially involving children it encourages them to want to tale action. 3)unicef's advertisement follows Maslow's hierarchy of needs as it highlights food sand water as the most important need ,we see this in the main image where the children are holding a cup of water .Furthermore the advertisement talks about having walk shelter which links to the next element that is important in Maslow's hierarchy ,it also shows lo"love needs" ,this is shown in the main image where the child is with his mother. although the advertisement does not show esteem needs or self actualisation because the purpose of the advert is to show that clean water for eve


Ethnicity in moving image and print based media . On the front cover of the magazine the model is shown wearing stereotypical asian clothing, her clothes are not revealing which shows shed is being represented as modest. Her pose represents as confident ,which shows female empowerment.The models clothing is traditional and is different to what we see in today's society ,it portrays otherness due to this however the magazine is aimed at asian women therefore it may not show themes of otherness. The models outfit takes inspiration from exoticism because it takes the trend from the asian culture, in particularly it takes it from indian culture, for example the model is wearing a bindi which originates from hindu. Additionally the magazine cover uses tokenism ,we see this seen in the outfit as she is wearing a sari , this could be done to link to female empowerment in the asian culture ,we also get this idea from the cover lines as it says "tweet yourself a job" this im

Advertising campaign analysis

LPDA advertising campaign The target audience for the LPDA advertising campaign is  everyone  but  particularly  people who like animals. The campaign is against animals being used for  entertainment  , as they face abuse and injures throughout the acts and  training,  it uses particular phrases such as “roll up, roll up for the crack of the whip  against  stinging wombs” which is traditionally used in the circus, this phase makes the campaign very powerful because it seems like its allowing us to see the behind the scenes rather than the show itself, this works  to make  the audience feel sorry  for the  animals being abused. Moreover a bold font is used to confirm the  purpose, it  tells us animals are not  clowns,  this line is short and  straightforward, so the audience gets a clear message to what it is about. The main image shows an monkey  trapped  ,who  looks distressed while  wearing clown make up , this is done so we get a picture in our head s  of the cruelty and so t

stereotypes of men and women.

Stereotypes of women and men. This essay will discuss the stereotypes associated to men and women in the media ,it will also show where it has been used in Blurred lines by Robin Thicke ,also where it has been used in Asda’s christmas tv advertisement. The stereotypes of women are generally them being represented as sex objects, this means when these stereotypes are used women tend to have no agency ,meaning that it seems like that have no purpose other than to be used for intercourse ,for example women tend to be silent this shows that they have no purpose.Furthermore this stereotype usually shows women being used by men for this act ,as they always are underdressed when this stereotype is used, additionally the stereotype represents women as disposable e.g once they have been used they are replaced. A good example where this has been shown is Blurred lines by Robin Thicke because the girls are underdressed and do not have a word to say in the video. The ‘male gaze’ theo